Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath (NSP, XCI) ROM + v1.0.3 Update

Release DateJanuary 23, 2020
GenreAction, Adventure, Firs-Person
Publisher & Developer Oddworld Inhabitants
ConsoleNintendo Switch
Game Version1.0.3
Image FormatNSP, XCI
Required Firmware9.1.0
No. of PlayersSingle System (1)
ESRB RatingTeen
Supported Play Modes TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode
LanguageEnglish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish

The premise of Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath is that the player’s character, called the Stranger, must capture wanted outlaws, dead or alive. The game utilizes both third and first-person perspectives. In third-person, the player controls Stranger when travelling long distances, platform jumping, rope climbing, and melee combat; and in first-person, ranged weapons are used. Enemies can be approached face-to-face, or by hiding out of enemy sight (as indicated on-screen) and luring foes from or toward the player. Once enemies are encountered, they can be killed or stunned; live captives earn the greater reward. Upon an attempted capture, Stranger is unable to perform other actions and thus is vulnerable. The player has two status bars: health and stamina. When damage is taken, the health bar drops; if it fully depletes, it will result in the death of Stranger. Stamina drops when the player performs actions like melee attacks or falls from a great height. While it refills itself over time, it can be used to shake off health-bar damage; thus healing the player, but draining the stamina more quickly.

One of the game’s main features is Stranger’s crossbow, used in a first-person perspective, that uses live ammunition in the form of small fictional creatures as projectiles for differing effects. Live ammunition can be bought from the game’s vendors or found throughout the game world. When acquired, two different kinds can be assigned to the crossbow at any given time: Stunks as gas grenades, Thudslugs as cannonballs, Boombats as rockets, and Stingbees as small shots.

The game incorporates many role-playing elements in the form of rewards spent on crossbow, ammunition, storage, and armour upgrades and other items such as binoculars and knuckle dusters.


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ID: 01002EA00ABBA000

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath NSP ROM (Base)

File Size: 1GB

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath UPDATE (v1.0.3)

File Size: 87.4MB

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath XCI ROM (Base + v1.0.1 Update)

File Size: 1GB

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